>>> MeinLilaPark was featured! <<<
.... in paper magazines:
QUICK CARDS MADE EASY issue 112/2013, page 20 (webites of the month),
page 53 (free download of the month)
BRIGITTE 16/2013, page 16
.... and on websites and blogs:
on tip junkie as one of Laury's favorites with my free printable timetables
on everything etsy with two of my calendars
on printable decor with my assorted calendar freebie list
on tip nut with two of my calendar creations
on i love the way she blogs with my graphics
on with my whole blog blog guide book and here
on cosas monolas for my wrapping papers
on cositas bonitas para blogs for my borders
on mammachetesta with my kokeshi timetable and my back-to-school schedule (2013.08.30)
on inspirativ (hungarian blog) for my round-up of free birthday printables for kids and other posts
on tutdesign (russian) for my reindeer pattern papers
on 74limelane for one of my 2014 coffee calendars
on langolo del focolare for one of my 2014 coffee calendars
on jaderbomb for one of my 2014 flower calendars
on craft gossip for my polka dot mini basket
on craft crave for my horse printables and on other occasions
on le chateau des fleurs with my free printable polka dot box and bunny tag
on house no 43 (german) with my pattern papers
on eva magazin (hungarian) with my kokeshi timetable (2014.02.05)
on cestbientotnoel (french) with some of my nautical pattern papers (2014.03.28)
on cestbientotnoel (french) with my dogtooth pattern papers (2014.06.14)
on mavipancereliev with my pattern papers (2014.04.23)
on stickeule (german) with my borders (2014.05.21)
on friendstitch.over (french) with my party horse kit and other posts
on granny enchanted's blog with papers, woodland png's, dragon and rose frame (2014.05.29)
on blog de coses (spanish) with some of my summer papers (2014.06.10)
on le blog du printable (french) with some of my summer pattern papers (2014.06.19)
on matome.naver (japanese blog) with some of my journaling cards
on un blog une fille (french) with some of my pattern papers (2014.07.22)
on nicafe (hungarian) with my red city pattern paper (2014.08.22)
on cestbientotnoel (french) with my flip flop papers and tags (2014.08.25)
sorryyyyy I'm a bit lazy in listing at the moment...
on computer 1001 with my vintage calendar cards 2015 (2014.11.06)
on examiner with my free printable paper houses and paper gingerbread houses list (2014.11.17)
on party ideas craft gossip with my round-up of free NYE printables (2014.12.26)
on little gold pixel with my free nursery printable list (2014.10.16)
on the graphics fairy with my nursery raccoon paper (2015.01.28)
on pure sugar with my planner flags (2015.05.18)
on auapotagededames (french) with my Halloween tags (2015.10.16)
on matome naver (japanese) with my 2016 calendars (2015.10.19)
on pop sugar with some of my 2016 calendars (2015.12.17)
on the11best with my vintage rose calendar (January 2016)
on aubreyandme with some of my pattern papers (2016.01.20)
and on many more blogs...
- I will try and write most of them down here. But if you miss your own blog here although you featured me, please just mail me and I will add you in no time!
... and a big big THANK YOU of course
to all followers which have my blog button on their blog!!!!
... MeinLilaPark's for blog design:
kueken und nest (german blog): a chick pattern from MeinLilaPark as blog background
+ a hen and chicken illustration from MeinLilaPark as blog header
fraeulein gluecklich ( and here) : girl clipart from MeinLilaPark as blog clipart
... MeinLilaPark pattern paper and sketching art:
Leeeax (french blog) uses MeinLilaPark pattern papers for her funny sketches on Léax's Adventures.
... MeinLilaPark for birthing affirmation cards:
hypo birth townsville (Australia): flower png's from my blog
... MeinLilaPark and book graphic:
Heather Haupt used MeinLilaPark doodle tags for her ebook "ultimate brain breaks"