Free printable tropical planner stickers - Agendasticker - freebie

Summer is coming and it's just the right time for the free printable tropical planner stickers I made today. A brightly colored sticker sheet featuring exotic plants (hibiscus blossoms and various palm leaves), fruits (such as pineapple, banana, and watermelon), and flamingos. In fact I even smuggled a cocktail into this collection.

As always you can download the template, print it and cut the single items out. The best way to cut the sweet stickers out is letting a small white border around the drawing. It's easier and it looks more professional.

They are a gorgeous decorations for your planners, timetables as well as for gift wraps. They make me think about sun, fun and laughter. All motifs for happiness.

Click here for the pdf file of the summerly freebie for planner-lovers.

Did you know that the word "flamingo" for this long-legged bird comes from Spanish "flamingo" which means flame-colored? It's because of their salmon-pink and red color. 

If you are interested in a selection of similar themed free printables (more than 20 free download links) just click on the image below:

I'm adding a hibiscus blossom border png in pink. The floral summer clip art has a transparent background. Please, credit me and link to me if you use it for your website or blog.

Tropische Motive sind ein absolutes Muss in der Sommerzeit. Also habe ich hier ein Stickerblatt zum kostenlos Ausdrucken gemacht, auf dem Palmblätter, Flamingos, Ananas, Wassermelonen und Palmen in exotisch leuchtenden Farben vorkommen.

Einfach die ausdruckbare Druckvorlage herunterladen, die einzelnen Illustrationen ausschneiden und zum Verzieren von Angenda, Stundenplan, Briefumschlägen und Geschenken verwenden.

Ein süßes DIY Projekt, dass ein wenig Ferienlaune aufkommen lässt und absolut an Sonne erinnert.

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