Free printable flamingo page marker - Flamingo-Lesezeichen - freebie

Right now I finishes a free printable flamingo page marker for you. And I'm really happy about the result. The unique planner insert features pink flamingos with 3D-wings. If you love paper crafting a bit then it's worth a try to cut the wings out and glue it on the marker template. It has an amazing effect and you'll love to open your planner or book and see the famous tropical bird.

Just download the printable on your computer, print it and cut it out.

Click here for the pdf file of the light red and pink bookmark.

If you are interested in more free flamingo downloads you can hop over to a special post about it:

At the end of the english written post I put a flamingo border png with transparent background. It's a cute clip art for your website or blog. If you use it just link to me, please, and give me credit. 

Für alle, die vernarrt in Flamingos sind, habe ich hier ein tolles kostenlos ausdruckbares Flamingo-Lesezeichen gemacht. Wenn ihr gerne ein bisschen kreativ seid, könnt ihr dem tropischen Vogel sogar ein paar 3D-Flügel machen. Oben seht ihr, wie das geht.

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