DIY wall and room decoration at our home - bei mir zu Hause
I always enjoy a glimpse in other people houses and offices. So I thought it only fair to let you in my home and office once in a while. Come in and be my guest!
That's what our home looks like at the moment.
In the living room I love to play with a combo of DIY flowers and real flowers... For the DIY tissue flower blossoms on my wall I found this tutorial at confetti sunshine. Out of tissue papers they are really easy and quick to make.
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A glimpse our hallway:
As I wanted to use the small room in the hallway too I made a reading nook out of it. Then I decorated the wall in a really minimalistic but classy way: with plain black washi tape I made this easily stylized DIY tree which could easily be a half opened parasol too, don't you think so? ;-)
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Decorating with books in our living room:
Phew... that's it for the moment. It's too hot to make more pictures today. I hope you enjoyed the insight!
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Hallo Ihr Lieben! Klar liebe ich auch selbst das Dekorieren - ob mit den Schmuckpapieren, die ich selbst entwerfe, ob mit anderen Materialien oder einfach kleinen DIY Ideen.
In diesem Eintrag zeige ich ein paar Fotos von unserem Zuhause. Weil ich selbst gerne in andere Wohnungen und Büros sehe, dachte ich, auch unsere Räume könnten die eine oder andere unter euch interessieren.