Free printable monthly 2014 calendar - 2014 Kalender - freebie

Today I created this free printable monthly write-in 2014 calendar. There are six pages. Each page with two calendar months. Each month has it's own color.
Just download and print the calendar pages out. 
I added a list of free printable calendar stickers and borders. Pimp the calendar pages with these free decorative stickers. You can enhance your agendas with these eye-catching, attention-getting reminders for special events and dates.
Create your own one-of-a-kind calendar out of these elements. Happy organizing!

>> Enjoy! <<
click on images to enlarge

free printable green January 2014 calendar planner
free printable purple February 2014 calendar planner

free printable red March 2014 calendar planner
free printable orange April calendar planner

free printable light green May 2014 calendar planner
free printable yellow June 2014 calendar planner

free printable yellow July 2014 calendar planner
free printable baby pink August 2014 calendar planner

free printable monthly 2014 calendar
How to download:
When you click on the image, it will appear larger. If you have a PC, just right mouse click and save the file to your computer. If you have a Mac, click ctrl and (at the same time) mouse click on the image until you get a pop-up menu with an option to save the file.

free printable calendar stickers
reminder stickers - list of free download links

1) Free printable pigtails stickers for your calendar planner: the little pigtail characters are reminding ("meeting", "deadline", "coffee time", "break") and encouraging ("good job", "very good") and there are even some blank speech bubbles for your own needs and ideas. - I just love them. They are handy and absolutely adorable! Just click here to get them.

2) Worldlabel offers lots and lots of free printable organizing calendar stickers designed by Erin Rippy. There are a general label sheet (meeting , event, important, gym, no school, holiday, party, music, hairdresser, grocery, car trip, carpeel, doctor, dentist and some weather stickers with rain, rainbow, sun, stars and moon), a holiday label sheet and a sports label sheet. Just click here to get them.

3) Cheerful colored doodle calendar stickers designed by Kayla Aimee: holidays (New Year, Labor Day, Memorial Day, St. Patrick's Day etc.), birthday, rent due, bill due, special event, vacation, travel, gymnastics, family event, vet, lunch date, coffee date, play date, dentist, doctor reminder stickers and more. Just click here to get them. 

4) Free printable school event stickers for kids from alpha mom with cute owl illustrations: first day of school, no school today, project due today, school picture day, book report due today, school performance today, party, game day and more. Just click here to get them.

5) Free printable calendar appointment stickers from pinch-a-little-save-a-lot: birthday, doctor, call, don't forget, school event, sleep over and many more. Just click here to get them.

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Hallo liebe Besucher von MeinLilaPark! Heute habe ich diese kostenlos ausdruckbaren Kalender 2014 für euch gemacht. Jedes der sechs zugehörigen A4 Blätter ist mit zwei Kalendermonaten bedruckt. Der Kalender ist englisch gehalten und jede Woche beginnt auf amerikanische Art mit dem Sonntag.
Wie versprochen werde ich auch noch Kalender in Deutsch machen, die bei Montag beginnen. Dafür müsst ihr einfach noch ein wenig Geduld haben.
Außerdem habe ich oben noch eine Liste von kostenlos ausdruckbaren Kalender Stickern hinzugefügt. Auch die sind allerdings alle auf Englisch. Solche Sticker für wichtige Daten, Ereignisse, Verabredungen und Termine sind praktisch und dekorativ in einem.Vielleicht finde ich auch noch welche auf Deutsch. Ich werde suchen...
Wie immer könnt ihr die Kalender oben gratis auf eure eigenen Computer herunterladen (eine Anleitung dazu findet ihr hier) und ausdrucken. Wenn ihr sie dann auf eure ganz eigene Art verziert und dekoriert, könnt ihr richtig schöne Einzelstücke aus den Kalendervorlagen machen. Viel Spaß!

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