10+ free printable funny sayings – 10+ kostenlos ausdruckbare lustige Sprüche – freebie

1. free funny printable about cleaning: "My house was clean last week... Sorry you missed it."

2. free funny printable about house cleaning: "Last night I dreamed my whole house was clean..."

3. free funny printable about stress: "I try to take one day a time, but sometimes several day attack me at once."

4. free funny printable about complaints: "Sorry. Yesterday was the deadline for all complaints."

5. free funny printable about cooking: "Harassing the cook will definitely result in smaller portions."

6. free funny printable about coffee and success: "Behind every successful woman is a substantial amount of coffee."

7. free funny / motivational printable about strengh: "Put your big girl panties on and deal with it!"

8. free funny printable about math and therapists: "Dear math, I'm not a therapist. Solve your own problems."

9. free funny saying printable about music and reality: "The real problem with reality is the lack of background music."

10. free funny quote printable about therapist: "I used to have super powers but my therapist took them away..."

11. free funny quote printable about chocolate: "Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions. Chocolate understands."


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