☞ Free printable summer reading logs - ausdruckbare Leselisten - round-up

Round-up of free printable summer reading logs
free reading list downloads

You know reading logs are handy little helpers for memorizing the numbers, titles or authors of the book you read. But what's more they are a way of celebrating your reading time.
They make reading more fun for children seeing their very own books lists growing and growing.
That's why I collected a list of different log options you might like for you or your kids.

>> Enjoy! <<

1) Free printable reading list with huge books and a funny book worm from spoonful.

2) Free printable summer reading log with cute sea themed animals from children are a blessing.

3) Free printable summer reading log list with simple book border form alpha mom.

4) Free printable summer reading log for kids from creative mamma.

book title
this book is about

5) Free printable reading log  from home school creations. (There's a book report page too):

book title
number of pages
copyright date
date book stared
date book completed

6) Free printable reading log in 5 different color options for the whole year from free homeschool deals. (There are also book report pages):
book title
started date
completed date

7) Free printable reading log "look what I read" from teachers pay teachers:


8) Free printable summer reading logs with summer motifs on it (lemonade, cherries and sea horse) from me in lila park. (+ free printable reading log bookmark ^^)

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Zwar sind die Sommerferien in den deutschsprachigen Ländern nicht gar so lange. Aber vielleicht sind auch einige unter euch froh, Links zu ausdruckbaren Leselisten zum selbst Ausfüllen zu haben.

Lesetagebuch- Seiten helfen nicht nur, in Erinnerung zu behalten, was man gelesen hast, sondern bereiten besonders auch Kindern viel Spaß, wenn sie mit Stolz beobachten könen, wie die Liste der selbst gelesenen Bücher wächst und wächst.
Hier habe ich Links zu deutschsprachigen Lesetagebuch-Seiten gefunden:

1) Kostenlos ausdruckbarer Bücher Lesepass schwarz-weiß mit lustigem Bücherwurm von vs-material wegerer.

2) Kostenlos ausdruckbares Lesetagebuch (ab 4. Klasse) von vs-material wegerer

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