free motivational quote printable for positive thoughts – ausdruckbarer Spruch – freebie
Today I created another free inspirational quote printable for you: Bring joy with you. I was inspired by a print I saw: "Joy is portable, bring it with you." – How cool is this?
Just download and print and use it as art print for your wall. Or download and print the card collection and use them as funny inclosure for DIY invitations or positive thought greeting card. ♥
>> Enjoy! <<
click on images to enlarge
free motivational quote art print
When you click on the image, it will appear larger. If you have a PC, just right mouse click and save the file to your computer. If you have a Mac, click ctrl and (at the same time) mouse click on the image until you get a pop-up menu with an option to save the file.
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Wenn ihr wollt, könnt ihr das den Spruch auf euren Computer herunterladen und für digitales Scrappen oder Karten-Machen verwenden.
Oder ihr druckt die Kartensammlung nach dem Herunterladen aus und verwendet sie als Beilage für Einladungen oder DIY Lesezeichen. Viel Spaß! ♥