free funny sayings VI: funny parcel label – lustige Sprüche VI – Freebies

click on images to enlarge
"not fragile – feel free to stack, bend & throw around if need be" 
(melon red frame)
printable funny sayings VI: 
free funny parcel label 

"not fragile at all – feel free to stack, bend & throw around if need be" 
(melon red frame)
 printable funny sayings VI: 
free funny parcel label

"not fragile – feel free to stack, bend & throw around if need be" 
(light blue frame)
 printable funny sayings VI: 
free funny parcel label

Hello there! ♡ Today I created these funny saying parcel labels for you to brighten up your day and put you in a good mood. ☼

I hope you enjoy them! :)
Tutorial for downloading images:
When you click on the image, it will appear larger. Then, if you have a PC, just right mouse click and save the file to your computer. If you have a Mac, click ctrl and (at the same time) mouse click on the image until you get a pop-up menu with an option to save the file.

Hallo liebe Besucher von MeinLilaPark! Heute habe ich Lust gehabt, wieder einmal etwas Witziges auf den Blog zu stellen und diese Gute-Laune-Aufkleber gemacht.. Ich hoffe, ihr habt auch euren Spaß an diesen witzigen Päckchenaufkleber, die ihr wie immer auf euren eigenen Computer laden und ausdrucken könnt. ♡

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